Press ArticlesDie self in ʼn lewe van ambivalensie
Majak Bredell – The New York Years 1981-2003 is ʼn omvangryke uitstalling in twee aflewerings met ʼn snit van dié kunstenaar se werk wat in Maart in Pretoria geopen het: Eers in die Mackiestraat-galery van die Kunsvereniging Pretoria en kort daarna in die Pretoria Kunsmuseum. Majak Bredell is an Artist with a Mission Majak Bredell is one of those artists whose exhibitions feel like an adventure you’re undertaking as she maps out the journey you're embarking on. Diane de Beer tells some of her story. VIDEO: Majak Bredell: The New York Years 1981 to 2003. Interview by Rupert de Beer. VIDEO: Majak Bredell The New York Years 1981 2003 Part 1. Interview by Active Video. VIDEO: Majak Bredell The New York Years 1981 2003 Part 2. Interview by Active Video. Majak Bredell — ALTER IMAGES This coming August & September Majak Bredell's ALTER IMAGES will be travelling to the Polokwane Art Museum. These works were previously shown at the Association of Arts, Pretoria and at the University of Johannesburg Art Gallery. ALTER IMAGES is Bredell's exploration of the sacred female, the Black Madonna, & other dark goddesses. This exhibition will include works done while she lived in New York as well as recent works done in her studio in Kampersrus where she has lived since her return to South Africa in 2004. Bredell states: “As a lapsed Calvinist and dissident daughter of the patriarchy I am in constant dialogue with the nagging question of how our interior landscape would be different if the prevailing religious icon was a woman giving birth, rather than a crucified man. I apply the overarching title of Post-Christian Alter Images — deliberately and simultaneously marking the notion of other alternatives (alter) and a site of worship (altar) — to the continuum of my work. During the 23 years that I lived in New York my longing for Africa often imaged the continent in the form a great dark mother. The mother’s body is the first landscape a new born sees, so Africa with her mighty mountains, rivers, and grassy savannas, is the mother of my inner landscape. This African mother, along with her sisters, the Black Madonnas of Europe, with their deep European and ancient Middle Eastern roots inform this work.” Afrikaans: Majak Bredell — ALTER IMAGES Hierdie komende Augustus & September sal Majak Bredell se ALTER IMAGES na die Polokwane Kunsmuseum reis. Hierdie werke was tevore uitgestal by die Kunsvereniging, Pretoria and by die Universiteit van Johannesburg se Kunsgalery. ALTER IMAGES is Bredell se ondersoek na die heilige vrou, die Swart Madonna, & ander donker godinne. Die uitstalling sluit werke in wat sy gedurende haar verblyf in New York geskep het, asook onlangse werke uit haar studio in Kampersrus waar sy woon sedert haar terugkoms na Suid-Afrika in 2004.
Bredell verduidelik: "As 'n verloopde Calvinis en andersdenkende dogter van die patriargie, bly ek in gedurige dialoog met die knaende vraag van hoe anders ons innerlike landskap kon wees, sou die heersende religieuse ikoon 'n beboortegewende vrou wees, eerder as 'n gekruisigde man. Ek gebruik die alomvattende titel Post-Christian Alter Images — wat terselfde tyd die begrip van ander alternatiewe merk (alter) asook 'n plek van aanbidding (altar) — vir die kontinuum van my werk. Tydens die 23 jaar wat ek in New York gewoon het, het my verlange na Afrika dikwels die kontinent as 'n groot donker moeder verbeeld. Die moeder se liggaam is die eerste landskap wat die pasgeborene inneem, dus is Afrika met haar groot berge, riviere, en grasvlaktes, die moeder van my innerlike landskap. Hierdie Afrika moeder, tesame met haar susters, die Swart Madonnas met hulle diep Europese en antieke Midde Oosterse wortels, is die inspirasie vir hierdie werk."
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