![]() Tel: (+2721) 783 0325 | Cell: (+2783) 309 3920
Email: lollyhahnpage@gmail.com
In both life and art, Lolly Hahn-Page is intrigued by the tension of opposites, and particularly searches for the ‘gap’, or briefly recognized moments of connection between these opposites. Lolly refers to Kandinsky’s work (of 1910 to 1914), where he attempts to reach this similar point of ‘abstract’ contemplation. In his writings of 1914, he states that “humankind is overly dominated by materialistic thinking, and our feelings are under threat of growing coarse.” Her particular motivation is to explore the world of nature in contrast to that of culture. Nature and culture too often appear to operate in conflict, although humans rely on nature for our very survival. As an artist, she hopes the viewer will become more aware of nature when looking at anything, and everything. Lolly believes that in developing our interest in (and noticing) the finer details of nature, we might become more aware of ourselves inside of nature’s context. Every single thing we use (PC, clothes, car, water, cel phones) materially originate and is sourced in nature, but we often arrogantly admire our designs as superior to those of nature. Increasing populations and opportunistic human cultures have taught us to dominate nature, resulting in a totally lopsided relationship with the hand that feeds us. This has tragic consequences for nature and us. The less we carefully observe the “nature of things”, the more exponentially we reach the tipping point. Internationally…the culture versus culture debate perpetuates, and as a result, we often forget to regard nature as the most important part of the survival equation. Mess this up and we are done. She believes each one of us individually has the choice and responsibility to make a change in the way we live. But she asks…whether we humans (en masse) are in a delusionary sleep, and already over the brink? The ‘space’ or ‘gap’, to which Lolly refers, is also to be found between ordinary daily experiences …. such as day and night, sleep and waking, life and death, being and looking, cutting food and eating it. The ‘gap’ is apparent during contemplation, but we need encouragement to find it, and to be alert to its existence. This is a personal search, in quietness, where keen observance and deep individual thought is essential to develop a better realization, appreciation and consciousness of this ‘gap’ experience. However, due to the fast pace of modern life, and the pressure of bulging populations… individual contemplation time seems to hugely diminish…. to our mutual peril. Lolly fears that as the culture versus nature debate is too often underplayed, human entitlement will continue to abound. (i.e. more and more coal mines, and fracking in the Karoo…and the real negative effects on nature). Lolly asks if we humans are simply missing the point …as technology and its toys takes over our time and thinking?
She hopes to provoke both simple quantum responses….as well as complex intellectual responses from her viewers.
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