Fragment 2013
Lizamore & Associates Johannesburg 2013
Fragmentation is the process or state of breaking or being broken into small, separate parts. Fragment, is the fourth solo exhibition by Louis Olivier in association with Lizamore & Associates (previously Artspace). The body of works explores Truth as a whole and complete substance, broken into fragments to be discovered throughout life's pilgrimage.
The artist exposes the ability to stretch a lie just as far as the truth. This tendency leaves man at search to discover diverse fragments, discern between truths and lie, cling to conviction and discard doubt. Instead of forcing his own beliefs onto the viewer, Olivier wishes to bring each to his own understanding of truth.
The body of work is not only a representation of the fragments that makes up a complete work, but also an expression of the beauty in truth and incomplete parts. Olivier explores the body as a vessel that contains the unfinished work, where the process of fragmentation occurs. So the process is both outside and inwards.
"The acceptance of shards of outside truth breaks and builds the thinking and being of the inward man - discarding the former, and piecing together the convictions." says Olivier. He is taken with the mystery around finding shards and historic pieces, and investigating what they reveal, prove or disprove. Objects like tools were once hidden and are now discovered; ancient writings were pieced together and the fragility of the clues surrounding the objects were deciphered.
Fragment consists of various sculptures and drawings, showing this self-taught artist's talent of mastering various mediums. He likes not to be restricted to a specific material and express himself in media such as clay, resin, steel, bronze and wood.