BLOSSOMS NOT BULLETS6 October 2024 - 20 October 2024 Participating: Stacey Rozen Craftivist’s Love Letter to Humanity in Response to Weaponised Games People Play
Immersive Craftivism Installation | 6 - 20 October 2024 | Stokvel Gallery | Opening by invitation only | Weekends 10:00 - 16:00 | Walkabouts during week must be booked via email: blossomsnotbullets@gmail.com (groups max 10) Craftivists Gathering: 13 October 14:00 – 17:00 open to all handcrafters (details to follow). Blossoms Not Bullets is a craftivist’s love letter to humanity in response to weaponised games
people play. The stage is set at this stitch-in-time of war as we are caught in the crossfire of news bombardments, keyboard warriors, algorithmic missiles, and spun yarns detonated faster than a bullet’s velocity. Our enlivened fabric is torn as loss and grief bleed through frayed seams. Stacey threads a yarn balm intent on untangling mangled heartstrings, mending and darning our brokenness, and restitching the knitting of us. Despite our rage, a flower’s resilience persists, and pollination continues so that we aren’t left bereft of floral beauty because of our polarised ideologies. Replete with dichotomies of life and death, Mother Nature cries, “Shoot blossoms, not bullets!” By appealing to the fragility of our harmonious co-existence, this immersive craftivism installation is a dire call for world peace. Stacey Rozen is a story-threader, craftivist, and yarn graffiti artist. Our Yarns are Tellers of Us is her collection of threaded stories that reflect upon life lessons from lived experiences in the vernacular of craftivism (activism + handcrafts of crochet, knit, and embroidery). VENUE:STOKVEL GALLERY Address: 76a 4th Ave, Melville, Johannesburg Cell: 084 423 8635 Email: stokvelgallery@gmail.com