Association of Arts Pretoria 2003
This exhibition has a sense of consolidation. The mundane has become the icon.
The definitive identity of personal "mark-making" is overlaid with a universal minimalism
that seems to have rid itself of all that is unnecessary. Colour itself has become
autonomous; it's own daring entity. Layered tactility reveals the artist's emotional and
psychological depth.
One is unsure whether the objects on the canvas play or challenge - rigid, immovable, and
implacable at times. Unsettled memories are dredged up, linking to times of war, in a
dusty nursery or a battlefield mirage. Even the embroidered delicacy of previous works
now darts pointedly from one object to another, "lines" that show no hesitance, that pierce
the canvas with certainty. Chaos is ordered, contained, the clarity of the compositions
echoed in the batch-making, packaging and assignment of lot numbers to the objects. One
senses in the work the artist's own successful and beautiful process of creating and
organizing meaning, of discovering a healing poetry of the mundane.