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Glass Art

Title: Schizophrenia
Dimensions: 240mm x 780mm
Medium: Coloured glass, clear glass, glass paint, mount board, transparency & ink
Year: 2015

There are five types of symptoms characteristic of schizophrenia: delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, disorganized behaviour, and so called “negative” symptoms.

A delusion is a firmly-held idea that a person has despite clear and obvious evidence that it isn't true. Delusions are extremely common in schizophrenia, occurring in more than 90% of those who have the disorder.

I have focused only on delusions in my artwork. I used superheroes as well as villains to portray four different types of delusions, as a superhero and a villain is a delusion in itself.

There are four types of delusions:

1.) Delusions of Reference-A neutral environment is believed to have a special and personal meaning.

In an interview with Wiekus Vermeulen he stated that: “The villain the Green Goblin from Spiderman was chosen for this reference as when looking at a mirror his father looked back at him stating that all that has occurred was a result of him and he has to rectify and avenge his father's death. All that he sees, he feels is directed at him and only he can solve the problematic issues.”

2.) Delusion of Persecution-Belief that others, often a vague “they” are out to get him or her. These persecutory delusions often involve bizarre ideas and plots.

In an interview with Wiekus Vermeulen he stated that: “The group 'Hydra' from Captain America was chosen for this reference as they feel that the world is not in order and “we” can't protect ourselves. They feel that “they” the world are out to destroy the group that has to exist so that “the world”can live in order.”

3.) Delusion of Control- Belief that one's thought or actions are being controlled by outside alien forces.

I selected Professor Xavier from X-Men to depict this delusion, because of his super abilities of telepathy, mind reading and control, memory alteration and erasure.

4.) Delusion of Grandeur- Belief that one is famous or important figure, such as Jesus Christ or Napoleon. Alternately, delusions of grandeur may involve the belief that one has unusual powers that no one else has (eg. the ability to fly).

The superhero superman was selected to depict this type of delusion. Superman has superhuman strengths, speed, senses, endurance and longevity. He can fly and has heat vision, freezing breath, extra sensory and visual powers including X-ray vision.

All extracts where taken from: Melinda Smith, M.A & Jeanne Segal, PH.D. 2015. Schizophrenia symptoms, types, causes, and early warning signs Available from: http//www.helpguide.org/aqrticles/-signs-types-and-causes.htm# Accessed: 2/10/2015

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